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Hi I have been suffering from upper back just back of breast till neck area and too much at the left side since 6 months .i will have this pain so much in the morning and also when I am sitting or doing work when I lay on bed I don't find that much pain. Sometimes I am having pain in my left breast the pain coming and going. From few days I am feeling pain and discomfort if I shout is it related something to heart? In aug I did hrct to rule out covid I was not having cavity but it showed bilateral minimal pleural effusion and infective etiology I did nt pro bnp which is normal cbp crp lipid vit b12 thyroid serum creatinine serum uric acid serum aec lft all are normal except vit d3 which is 15 and I am on the supplement since january. Is it related to heart or what? I did eeg also which also is normal please help me out thank you f27 used many pain killers now using pregabalin since 20 days.
2Doctors Answered
91% (426 ratings)
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You must do an x ray of neck. Probably it is spondylosis. Physiotherapy will help.
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As per description it seems that you have trigger points in your muscles of back. I believe you should meet physiotherapist who ll release those knots. Keep taking vitamin d supplementation. Do shoulder core exercises. I hope that helps.
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