Is it important to use sunscreen in daytime as I am not going out in the sun at all dur to lighten? I am using tretinoin and hydroquinone cream for melasma.
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it's not compulsory to use sunscream. any protective measures you can use like oil or anythings.
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For a skin with tendency for pigmentation or melasma , it is must to apply sunscreen in day time as well, even when we aren't going outside. This is because TV/ Laptop screens, for that matter our mobile screens as well emit UV Rays which has a tendency for inducing pigmentation /melasma. so , the answer is yes..apply it daily at 8 am, with reapplication every 2-3 hrs.
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Hi! Even though you are not going to sun, SUNSCREEN is important as artificial sources of light like computer screen, tube lights etc can emit UVB radiation and cause tanning .One more important thing is , tretinoin is retinoid cream which causes exfoliation of skin ,so sunscreen is a must and should .
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