Do people ever overcome anxiety disorder? Or will I have to live with the medication for the rest of my life does the dose of medication decreases?
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Hello, greetings from your ayurveda wellness coach. Yes, when it comes to anxiety disorder, definitely there is a way out. With my 15 years of experience I personally treated several anxiety disorder cases and they are happy now. The good news is, in ayurveda we have natural herbal medications that helps to control our anxiety if we are suffering from it. Answering to other question is about duration of medication, when it comes to allopathy, doctors may ask you to continue for a longer duration and yes, if it controls, they may taper the dose and stop. In ayurveda too, we follow the same, at one point of time, if you are okay, we can stop the medication. For more details and doubts, you can contact me through online so that I can guide you accordingly.
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Yes it can be controlled effectively. Try to relax yourself -- Exercise. Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to combat stress. Take a few minutes to breathe in and out in slow, deep breaths. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake. Write It Down. Even if 2 lines. Write every single day. Chew Gum. Spend Time With Friends and Family. Laugh. Massage. Eat a healthy diet. Pursue one hobby Walk in nature Meditation. Yoga. For more details you can consult me.
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One third would need a single course of medications, one third will need for some time and can maintain without medications intermittently, remaining one third will have to take life long. Understanding the cause of anxiety disorder won't make you troubled or go for quacks who offer alternate evidence less treatments. Since anxiety occurs due to serotonin levels in your mind (brain) to understand for a layman, if it is genetically or not produced for the individual at all, then you have to take them externally only. If it is partly produced then it can be taken intermittently. Combining with cognitive behavior therapy is the approved method to handle anxiety disorder. Good luck.
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Why Worry Piyush/ Did you explore all possible treatment methods. There are very good psychotherapy techniques with no side effects ,which can help you come out of your anxiety diorder.Go ahead and avail it .Not only that you will come out of it but will be able to enjoy life .It is available online with a systamatic programme.Bye and take care.
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