Hello doctor I am suffering from morning depression since two years and taking venlafaxine 225 mg at night and I was felling well but recently I find after awaking I feel very dull mind .no energy. Little fear no reason .shall I one extra venlaflaxin 75 mg because one doctor gave me mirtazapine 7.5 mg along with venlaflaxin but it is not working please advice.
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Dear Lybrate user, it must be hard good through depression. With regards to medication it's best to consult with a psychiatrist explaining your concern. But i'll also suggest that you go for psychological counseling/therapy. Therapy will help you manage your concerns with certain strategies and techniques. Especially cognitive behaviour therapy, which is proven and widely used to treat depression. It will help you in the long term. Once you have learned to manage your concerns, you can reduce your dependence on medications as well. A combination of medication and therapy will work best. Please consult a psychologist. You can contact me as well for therapy. Regards, aaradhana reddy counselling psychologist.
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Dear lybrate-user, most of the depressions have diurnal variation. So it is worse in the mornings. Taking tablet in the morning or increasing the dose are not the solutions for it. Discuss with your psychiatrist. You can take therapy or start your day's work late after getting energetic.
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There is documented resistance to antidepressants after prolonged usage. You can consult your psychiatrist and get it changed to a newer one. Good luck, if it doesn't work out, get a second opinion.
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Take shower before sleepin and do little yoga, change direction of sleep.
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