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Warts spread through touching, so you should never touch a wart you see on someone else. You can also spread warts from one part of your own body to another. U can try this (do patch test first) ?garlic extract. Garlic contains allium sativum, a compound with antiviral properties. Crush a fresh clove of garlic and apply the crushed pieces to the wart. Cover it with tape or with a bandage and reapply daily. (don?t use on face). Note: garlic is known to cause chemical burns on skin. If you feel itching, burning, or increased tingling, remove the garlic and wash the area (do patch test first). ?lemon juice. Lemon juice contains citric acid, which may help destroy the virus. Don?t use full-strength lemon juice on your face. A study found that a diluted mixture of lemon juice and water was effective at removing flat warts when applied over a six-week period (do patch test first). ?pineapple juice. There?s no scientific data to back it up, but this anecdotal remedy may be effective at eliminating facial warts for some people. Pineapple juice contains enzymes which may burn the wart off when applied daily over the course of several weeks. Try using pineapple juice applied with a cotton swab directly to the wart before going to bed each night for several weeks (do patch test first). For this homeopathic treatment is very effectivefor more details you can consult me.
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First you need to differentiate if its a viral wart or a dpn. Dpn is a cosmetic condition- you can leave it alone or remove it by ec/rf. Wart you shud get it removed asap. Or they will spread.
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