How to control pimples by natural methods like leafs of some trees like pudina if do it pimples are control.
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These are the methods to treat fastly pimples: ? Imbalance in hormone level causes excessive sebum production and causes acne. So do not take stress and do exercise daily such as running, jogging and long breathing exercises. ? Do YOGASANA daily. Especially do SINHASANA & SARVANGASANA daily. ? Use oil free face wash and drink 7 -8 glass of water daily. ? Do not touch your pimple because your finger transfer bacteria to it and make it worse. If you touch it then clean your face with water. ? Take cucumber and papaya pulp. Mix it well and add 1 tablespoon Turmeric. Make a paste and apply it on face and leave it for 15 minutes. ? Steam your face to open the pores, which in turn clear the skin. Steam your face for a couple of minutes. ? Take 2 teaspoon of RAKTASHODAK SYRUP of BAIDYANATH company once a day.
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