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Hi, I am a 19 year old male, I nd my girlfriend had protected sex on the most fertile day of the month, we did do some foreplay after the intercourse, that we did some kissing nd fingering etc, can it be possible that my sperm got touched on her vagina by mistake while fingering. As now its been 14 days since we hav had that intercourse nd now she is showing signs of pregnancy, like, headache, vomiting feeling (did not vomit yet), backache, pain on the breasts, darkened nipples (not the areola), itching inside the vagina, increased appetite, stomach aches at times. We r really confused on what it cud be, what could be the possible reason fr all these signs. How can we stop it. We do not want any family involvement, please help us to get out of it. We want to sort it out at the earliest.

2Doctors Answered
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