Hi, I am a 19 year old male, I nd my girlfriend had protected sex on the most fertile day of the month, we did do some foreplay after the intercourse, that we did some kissing nd fingering etc, can it be possible that my sperm got touched on her vagina by mistake while fingering. As now its been 14 days since we hav had that intercourse nd now she is showing signs of pregnancy, like, headache, vomiting feeling (did not vomit yet), backache, pain on the breasts, darkened nipples (not the areola), itching inside the vagina, increased appetite, stomach aches at times. We r really confused on what it cud be, what could be the possible reason fr all these signs. How can we stop it. We do not want any family involvement, please help us to get out of it. We want to sort it out at the earliest.
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Though you had a protected sex but their can be chances of conception. Please get an pregnancy test done along with usg whole abdomen and contact back with reports. Whole abdomen ultrasound is advised to know the cause of pain in abdomen if there is no pregnancy.
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You say you had protected sex with your girl friend and then indulged in post sex finger play. I assume that by protected you mean, youw ere wearing a condom. It is possible that at sex the condom is broken and it may have leaked. But very few realise this. After removal of the condom, no one checks for the condom to be intact. If you have removed the condom by your hands and used the same to do the finger play, it is possible that some semen that have coated your finger and have made her pregnant. But from the text you have sent there is no mention of having done a pregnancy test. Symptoms similar to pregnancy often occur in girls before menses, so one cannot rely on just the symptoms to diagnose pregnancy. Best would be to do a urine pregnancy test in a lab using the first sample of urine passed by the girl in the morning. If it comes positive, she is pregnant and you will have to seek help of a gyenc to do the needful but if negative, she may not be pregnant and wait of a few days may show her menses. If menses do not come, she may need to check the urine again 15 days after the expected date of menses. The first step would be to stop worrying if you are sure that the condom had not broken, and to do the urine pregnancy test.
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