Hi, I am 23 years old and suffering from backache pain since last few years. It happens sometime. I have used so many painkiller ointment for that but not getting any permanent solution or relief. Please suggest what to do.
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Apply Hot Fomentation twice daily. Avoid bending in front. Postural Correction- Sit Tall, Walk Tall. Extension Exercises x 15 times x twice daily - lying on tummy, take left arm up for 3 seconds, then bring it down, right arm up for 3 seconds, bring down. Bring right leg up, hold for 3 seconds, bring it down. Then right leg up and hold for 3 seconds and bring it down. Repeat twice a day- 10 times. Bhujang Asana ? Lie flat on your stomach, keeping the palms out, bend the neck backward, take a deep breath and while holding it for 6 seconds, raise the chest up. Release breath and relax your body. Repeat the exercise 15 times twice daily. Core Strengthening Exercises- Straight Leg Raised With Toes Turned Outward, repeat 10 times, twice a day. Back Stretching- lie flat, pull one of the knee forward to chest, hold for 3 seconds, then bring the other knee forward to the chest and again hold for 3 seconds. Then pull both knees towards the chest and hold for 3 seconds. Repeat 10 times each exercise twice a day. Do the cat/cow stretch. Get on all fours, with your arms straight and your hands directly under your shoulders; your knees hip-width apart.
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Start focussing on maintaining good posture while working or studying, you shouldn't lie down and study or watch tv. Do regular back strengthening exercises.
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Backache in young age is commonly due to 1. Muscle strain resulting from improper posture. 2. Degeneration of intervertebral disc. In chronic cases as yours investigation like X Ray and MRI scan of spine is needed to rule out other causes. Follow these treatment guidelines to get relief. Follow these treatment guidelines to get relief. 1. Sit with straight back and change posture in between. Do not hunch and feet should rest on floor while seated. 2. Take breaks in between work and walk. 3. Take rest when back pain is severe but a void total bed rest. 4. Do back strengthening and stretching exercises daily. 5. Take simple painkillers like paracetamol if pain is persistent. 6. Apply analgesic cream over back followed by warm fomentation. 7. Keep pillow behind your knees at bedtime. 7. Do not bend and lift weights. 8. If back pain is accompanied with radiating leg pain or tingling , numbness or weakness, consult your doctor immediately Don't worry such backaches resolve with proper care as advised above. For persistent problems please consult
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