Hello sir/madam, I am 20 years old I have got pain on my left leg heel from past two days. The pain is severe and literally can't walk. What is the problem and how it is cured? (The pain is only on left leg heel area)
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Heel pain as in your situation is most likely due to plantar fascitis. It is due to inflammation in the tough fibrous tissue called plantar fascia in sole extending from heel to base of toes. The treatment mostly is conservative and lifestyle modifications to achieve maximum functionality with minimum pain. Follow these lifestyle changes religiously to get benefit. 1. Reduce body weight as obesity will aggravate the stress on heel. 2. Avoid exercises like running / walking on hard surfaces. Stop such activities when you start developing pain. 3. Roll your feet on bottle of cold water for 20 mins 4 times a day or can apply ice pack. 4. Use shoes with silicone sole inserts. 5. Do calf muscle and heel stretches daily. 6. Avoid prolonged standing or sitting. 7. Use night splint to keep foot flexed at night. Stop using it once pain is relieved. 8. Use analgesics like Ibuprofen for decreasing pain and inflammation. With proper lifestyle changes as above 90 % patients have relief and functionality. Injections in plantar fascia are done only after conservative treatment as above has failed.Only 10% patients would require surgical intervention like plantar fascia release or gastrocnemius recession. For further queries consult again
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Avoid sitting cross legged. Ankle stretching. Ankle strengthening exercises. Avoid squatting.
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