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Here is my story with skin disease since 16 years .when I was in hostel @the time my age was 15 (one night I think I had bitten by some xx insect) next day morning I had seen small erosion on my small finger of my leg. Then started itching, fluid leaking from itching spots ,afterwards started my hell .i had allergic to so many foods all non veg items fish ,prawns, eggs ,chicken, mutton,gongura, sesame,brinjal, what not .consulted so many dermatologists. No use some doctors treated with vitamins, some of treated with anti fungal ,anti bacterial, what not. I am fed up .i stopped to consult doctors, I love non veg ,l can't stop to eat, it is not one food to avoid so many foods are there to me to give itching. I started eating and then started to apply ointment which contain betamethasone and zinc sulphate since 16 years .i had taken ige test and allergen test .but all are negative. I'm waiting here to stop my allergies to food. Please help me with your experience.

1Doctor Answered
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