I am 34 years old. What is the symptoms of heart attack. That time what can first aid do. Next one .what is the problem problem of heart failure?
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Heart attack is a situation when the blood supply to the heart through its blood vessels, called coronaries is compromised or totally blocked. In this situation the muscles of the heart cry for oxygen which manifests externally as acute chest pain. If blood supply to the muscles is not restored immediately, then the heart muscle is at a threat of permanent damage. The failure of heart muscles to contract in a coordinated way causes heart failure to supply blood and oxygen to brain and other parts of the body. If not attended within 1st 10 minutes there is irreversible damage to brain. It is here that the urgent aid is of paramount importance. If the pulse of the patient is perceptible then the 1st aid aims at ensuring minimal pumping of blood to brain even if at some reduced pressure. The head of the patient is lowered a bit so that blood flows towards brain by gravity. The legs are folded on abdomen so that blood flow to legs is reduced and is available to heart and brain. If the pulse is not perceptible and the patient is gasping for breath then 2 persons simultaneously have to work on the patient, one giving artificial respiration by mouth to mouth breathing and the other giving cardiac massage on the chest to revive the collapsed heart. All this while, an attempt to shift the patient to a well equipped hospital by calling an ambulance or nay other available vehicle must e arranged.
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Dear lybrateuser, -Symtoms of heart attack are pain, tightness or pressure in the chest, nausea, indigestion, heartburn or stomach pain, pain that spreads to the left arm ,jaw or back, feeling dizzy or lightheadedness, profuse sweating. -make the patient lye down, reassure the person, give a tablet of aspirin if available to chew, rush to the nearest medical setup in the golden hour where icu/ccu facilities are available -heart failure is a condition in which the heart can't pump enough blood to meet the body's need, in some cases heart can't fill with enough blood & in some it can't pump enough blood.
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