I have done protected vaginal intercourse with my boyfriend on 21.6.16 and checked condoms after that found them completely intact. But we did unprotected anal and took i-pill 16 hours later that. My period date was 3rd june but in this month of July, it has been 3 days but I have not started bleeding though my period is quite regular. Is there any chance of being pregnant? I am just freaking out. Please advise.
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Hello, as narrated, there is no chance of pregnancy, however, get it confirms by home kit of pregnancy test, or, otherwise, menstrual disorder is caused due to stress, anxiety, depression, malnutrition, anaemia, over exertion. * tk, plenty of water to hydrate yourself, to eliminate toxins & to dilute your blood to ease your problem. * go for meditation to reduce your stress, anxiety to calm your nerve to ease your stress. * your diet be simple, non- irritant, easily digestible on time to maintain your digestion. * tk, apple, carrots, cheese, milk, banana, papaya, spinach, almonds, walnuts to improve your haemoglobin to release your flow. * tk, homoeo medicne, gentle & rapid in action with no adverse effect, thereof. @ pulsatilla 20-6 pills, thrice a day. @ sepia200-6 pills, thrice a day. * ensure, sound sleep in d night for at least 7 hrs. * avoid, caffiene, junkfood, dust, smoke, exertion. Tk, care.
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No chances of pregnancy but you can check after 3-4 days.
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Hi lybrate-user, their is possibility of getting pregnant, as you had sex in fertile period and ipill is not 100%. Please get a urine pregnancy test to confirm.
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