Dear sir/madam I am studying now and I am always thinking about unnecessary things either useful to me or not. I want to take them out all things from my mind and to get stress relief, please give suggestions which are helpful to me. I will follow daily. Thank you.
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1 start exercising from today 2learn to meditate 3eat well and socialise.
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Hi lybrate-user to start with practice Mindful Breathing The primary goal of mindful breathing is simply a calm, nonjudging awareness, allowing thoughts and feelings to come and go without getting caught up in them. Sit comfortably, with your eyes closed and your spine reasonably straight. Bring your attention to your breathing. Imagine that you have a balloon in your tummy. Every time you breathe in, the balloon inflates. Each time you breathe out, the balloon deflates. Notice the sensations in your abdomen as the balloon inflates and deflates. Your abdomen rising with the in-breath, and falling with the out-breath. Thoughts will come into your mind, and that?s okay, because that?s just what the human mind does. Simply notice those thoughts, then bring your attention back to your breathing. Likewise, you can notice sounds, physical feelings, and emotions, and again, just bring your attention back to your breathing. You don?t have to follow those thoughts or feelings, don?t judge yourself for having them, or analyse them in any way. It?s okay for the thoughts to be there. Just notice those thoughts, and let them drift on by, bringing your attention back to your breathing. Whenever you notice that your attention has drifted off and is becoming caught up in thoughts or feelings, simply note that the attention has drifted, and then gently bring the attention back to your breathing. It's okay and natural for thoughts to enter into your awareness, and for your attention to follow them. No matter how many times this happens, just keep bringing your attention back to your breathing. Consult with me for therapy and counseling.
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Dealing with stress and shunning off unnecessary thoughts from your mind requires a relaxed mind trained in concentration. This is a gradual process which needs practice. You may begin with relaxation exercises like yoga, meditation, deep breathing or muscle relaxation exercises. If you feel distracted and difficulty in concentrating you may consider starting certain medications to improve concentration and relieve stress. Consult me online or a psychiatrist in your vicinity for help in treatment.
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