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Yes, this medication is good for your anxiety, and additionally it is not habit forming. You will give much power to your brother's rumors if you react in any way. Ideally, you should ignore them and him to negate their effects. In the bargain you are working yourself into anxiety and giving yourself undue stress. People will definitely favor you in any attempts to put you down even because of your physical inability. It is adviseable to seek the help of a counselor who will guide you as to how to cope with this situation. You will also find that it helps to have someone to talk to and share your distress. Your mind is your biggest asset, and it is not crippled in any manner unless you make it so. Anxiety is all abut handling your fear, which you will learn in counseling.
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Thank you for reaching out and sharing your concerns openly. I can understand how challenging and distressing these circumstances must be for you. It's commendable that you're seeking support to cope with these feelings of irritability, tension, and anxiety. Firstly, it's important to recognize that seeking help and taking steps to manage your mental well-being is a courageous and proactive approach. It's understandable to feel overwhelmed, especially with the added stress of your brother's behaviour and the rumours circulating in your community. Regarding your medication, Nexito Forte (Escitalopram) is commonly prescribed to treat anxiety and depression. It's essential to follow your doctor's guidance regarding dosage and usage. While medication can help alleviate symptoms, it's equally important to address the underlying causes of your distress through therapy and coping strategies. As a counsellor psychologist, I would recommend considering therapy as part of your treatment plan. Therapy can provide you with a safe and supportive space to explore your feelings, develop coping mechanisms, and challenge negative thought patterns. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness-based techniques can be particularly beneficial in managing anxiety and stress. Additionally, it's crucial to set boundaries with your brother and address the rumors circulating about you. It may be helpful to have a calm and honest conversation with him about how his actions are impacting you and to seek support from other family members or a trusted mediator if needed. Remember, you are not defined by your disability, and seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness. Please know that you're not alone, and I'm here to support you through this challenging time. If you'd like to discuss further or explore therapy options, please feel free to reach out. Take care and be kind to yourself,
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No, you are not just reach out to me. Ill guide you with what it is clear your doubts and still a confidence in you to deal with your discomfort because you know if you have a problem that doesn't mean youre Pagal okay so let's just differentiate between that get in touch with me. I'll help you all the best.
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Hi! Try to live in a good environment with some support.... seek a safe and secure environment... Do not bother about the gossip of others talking about you, the more importance you give to others words you will start feeling insecure.... instead just ignore them and completely focus on good vibes in life be positive think good consistently.... Meditation, yoga, prayers to your beloved god will help you overcome this difficulty.... do not worry stay strong.... whenever you feel weak just utter gods name.... will give you immense strength both physically and mentally... take care..... with regards Psy.... MSV
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