I am suffering from tinnitus and vertigo. Tinnitus for very long. That I can manage. Is there any permanent cure for vertigo. Now I am taking ayurvedic medicines. Still sometimes vertigo occurs. Please help me.
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Tinnitus is a common problem usually associated with deafness. It is of two types, subjective and objective. In objective tinnitus you can find out the cause of tinnitus while in subjective it is difficult to find the cause. Treatment consisit of reassurance and certain vasodilator and vitamin treatment.In objective tinnitus you may require surgery if cause is confirmed by all mod of Diagnosis including CT scan. Dizziness or giddiness or Vertigo?. Is usually due to ear labyrinthine problem. Anti vertigo tabs and vitamin B 12 can help you. You require to go for Ear examination. Pure tone and Impedence audiometry, may require CT scan and stepping test (cranio corpography) to come to proper diagnosis.
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