I have pimples on my face and now its spread all over the face like allergy. Whats shod I do now. And which medicine I should take or eat.Please tell.
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To make your face free from acne you should follow the following instruction- do not apply any oily cream on face, even do not allow the oil to remain on the scalp all the time. Better to apply oil at night and wash in the morning. Do not touch the pimples all the time or prick them other wise they spread and also cause permanent scars. Do not use any soap on face, wash face with himalaya neem face wash. Avoid exposure of face to dust or strong sun light. Drink plenty of water eat nutritious food and at least one fruit dally. Take sleep of at least 8 hours and avoid stress. Stress causes over secretion of sebaceous gland which promote formation of acne. Apply masoor dal face pack [grinded masoor dal soaked in raw milk] on face once a week. Avoid eating too much spicy food and oily food. Avoid junk food. Take homeopathic belladonna 30, 3 dose daily for a week. But this is temporary treatment. For permanent and speedy cure from pimples.
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Pimples are due to hormonal changes, pollution, excess sweating on face, application of cosmetics, wash your face 4 times daily with face washes meant for acne stop applying any creams on face except pimples ointment take Dr. Prescribed tablets depending on severity avoid junk foods avoid milk foods getting pimples in teenage is normal for any person but not taking treatment modifies your face with lot of problems like marks and scars to correct these problems it needs peels, dermaroller and lasers.
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