Hello, I have problem related to sexologist. I want to do sex mentally but physically I am not ready. I have seen many videos. What I have to do. I am young not married.
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You r age is good for having sex, but do not rush things, take your time. Having excessive sexual thoughts at this age is normal. If also sex is not had like seen in videos, they are professionals and make sex in various positions easily, as they are trained for that. In real life sex is smooth, passionate and not that hard core as you see in porn videos. I suggest you seek a tender partner and proceed, first time sex is a bit painful and your partner should not also rush u. You may or may not succeed in penetration for which you might require some lubricants, so on. All the best. If you can, you can wait till marriage and have sex. If still having doubts get a psychiatrist consultation online or in person.
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Hello, upto 2" deep veginal canal is sensetive to feel orgasim. Go for meditation to reduce stress, to nourish your pelvic, groin and veginal canal, to b sensitive on the occasion. Tk, plenty of water to hydrate your body to remove dryness of vaginal wall, to enjoy sex. Tk, apples, carrots, milk, fish, spinach, almonds, walnuts, tk homoeo medicine: @ sepia 200-6 pills, at bed time. @ pulsatilla 30-6 pills, thrice a day. Ensure sound sleep, form 6/7 hrs, in d night. Avoid, junk food, caffeine, alcohol, nicotin. Tk care.
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It happens routinely to many youngsters and its absolutely normal to feel this way because you want to enjoy your life in all the way. Reason being unaware of the basics of sexuality and sexual anatomy of male and females. By unaware I mean is what you are learning via porn watching and hearsay guidance from relatives & friends is all half-hearted, incomplete. Its not reality and this is making you more confused. Just relax and trust yourself. To begin with stop pron watching and begin to love & support yourself then connect an expert one to one or by skype and prepare to learn the correct basics of passionate, beautiful and blissful sexuality of humans with expert sexologist. All the best.
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