If a person is suffering from depression. How can he get rid of poor sleeping habits and constant rumination. What about exercises and proper diet.
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Hi lybrate-user, depression is not a serious problem, most individuals have depression from mild to severe. Depression can be solved depending upon individual's confidence and emotional balance. He can get rid of depression, poor sleeping habits and constant rumination due to some incident. First should bring him out from his own world, he should see, feel, perceive everything the way a normal person feels, perceives, sees. First find out what he likes the most, each and every individual has got an habit or an hobby that can become crazy, should make him addictive to such an habit like reading, watching or hobbies like swimming, gardening should praise or encourage them to perform such actions slowly trying to divert them. You can of course send them to gym or aerobics it is an good approach to bring out depression or remove depression within him. You allow him to outburst his depression by allowing him to cry, shout or scream aloud in a room, it is an other way to bring out depression away from him. Slowly he will heal as time goes on within an month or two months definitely. Suggest you make him follow these steps one by one slowly and make him occupied with good entertainment and then he will be fine. Hoping for good. Best wishes and regards,
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