Hi, My Kids age is 3.3 years/M and he speaks only few words and not forming sentences, as recommend by pediatrician we took MRI, EEG and every thing is normal. He speaks the few words what ever he is required. Is this any problem or will it be normal for boy babies. Some times while sleeping we found sweat on his fore head.
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Hello please try to meet nearby homoeopathic consultant there's best treatment for such slow development of milestones,ur 1 symptom that child sweats at night n typically forehead is in Calcarea carbonicum..u please do 1 thing try to search doctor if u don't get please take this medicine Calcarea carbonicum 1M 4pills 4times 4days n give a gap of a week again repeat 4 days in such way repeat 6 courses n give this pills half an hour after or before food n don't take with water n keep it in mouth it ll get absorbed...Take care..
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He will learn, do not worry.
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With good training & patience he will catch up very fast. Leave him amongst chidren to see wonders. Just check his hearing ,if impaired correct with hearing aid.
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