Hi Good morning My daughter is 5 years old she has lots of Lice in her hair We r still using medical shampoo n Neem hair oil but not getting relief Pls advice what should I do?
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Hello Ms. lybrate-user, I understand head lice can be a very irritating experience. Though unhygienic and unclean hair can lead to head lice, but even if you keep your hair clean and wash hair daily, you can get head lice by touching your head to an infected person’s head. Head lice can easily be transferred by brushes, combs, barrettes, headbands or sharing the towels, clothes or even furniture of the infected person. You can treat head lice by adopting both at home treatments that are safe or with the help of chemicals that are easily available both over-the-counter or on prescription by the dermatologist. To get rid of head lice at home, use a fine-toothed lice comb to remove lice. Comb your hair daily with this comb till all lice are out of hair. An important point to remember here is that you might again get head lice this way as head lice can crawl into your sheets, towels, clothes. So dry clean your bed sheet and other clothes in hot water. Clean all your furniture and floor with a good disinfectant. Chemical treatment of head lice gives quicker and more permanent solution to do away with lices. You can buy a good shampoo or leave on chemicals after consulting a dermatologist. Since, such solutions contain pesticides, a dermatologist should always be consulted before use.
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