I am suffering from stammering and I am 19 years old, female. While at home and talking to other people I stammer less but whenever I find myself in public places when I have to face public and speak I stutter alot and sometimes I have blockage due to which I am unable to even speak, I also get nervous and my stomach also hurts while speaking, I also start making faces while speaking and it gets difficult to take out words out of my mouth. So should I consult a speech therapist or a Public speaking and Personality development course ?I am confused.
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Dear lybrate-user, stammering is a psychiatric problems and it has multiple cause. In your case, your stammering get increased in social situation due to social anxiety. Is if we treat that anxiety you will get improvement. Rest of the problem can be tacked by counselling and speech therapy.
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Dear lybrate-user, You can consult a speech therapist and attend a personality development course. Add, a clinical psychologist to the list. Those therapists know the extent of your problem and their limitations. At some stage, they may refer you to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist may offer an antidepressant and/or anxiolytic drug for few months in addition. I hope you have done ENT check up.
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