I have developed fungal infection on the penis It gets swollen and blue in colour along with white fungus deposits all over the tip and inside skin Kindly advise remedy.
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Maintain hygiene. Its fungal infection. Garlic is one of the best ways to treat yeast infection naturally. Simply eat a clove of garlic 2 or 3 times each day to start killing the yeast bacteria in your system. Use coconut oil by applying it directly to the infected areas on your skin to stop symptoms like itching, burning, and irritation. The coconut oil will also help heal any cracks or scratches on your foreskin caused by the yeast fungus. Apply some raw aloe vera gel to the infected areas on your penis or skin. The gel will quickly give you relief from symptoms and consistently using the gel will completely get rid of your yeast problem.
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Get it checked whether it is any problem in making sex. Or may be treated by gel and medicines. But only after observation something can be said and done. Wish you good health.
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Hello Lybrate User Consult a skin specialist for correct diagnosis and treatment. Till then use Candid cream twice daily.
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