I am a 61 year old male and being treated for diabetes foe the last 20 years with allopathic medicines. My blood glucose level is around 200 and now creatinine is 1.55. Is it ok to continue with allopathic medicines or to switch to alternate systems of medicine to prevent damage to kidneys? Please advise.
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For diabetes you can take allopathy med but for kidney Ayurvedic medicines are good
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Mr. lybrate-user, Kidneys are affected not by the anti-diabetes drugs but by diabetes itself. Diabetes damages small and large blood vessels. Small blood vessel damage results in retinal damage, kidney (filtering membrane damage) affection and erectile dysfunction. Persistent high blood glucose is the main reason for kidney damage and not the drugs. If you shift to alternate medicines which have absolutely no treatment for diabetes then there can be further high glucose levels leading to more severe complications. Choice is yours. Thanks.
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