I am 19 years old. I heard that honey lighten skin. I was applying honey directly on my face and sometimes with besan and milk. My complexion was fair but now my skin turned very black and dark please tell me know what can I do to get previous complexion please any soap or any tip for permanent colour not temporary.
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Infact Direct honey should not be applied.&Few combination may show contrast effects on skin based on their tendency. Now, we can not say that darkening is only due to those combinations with honey, Might b tanning too. If inthatcase, avoid exposure to sun&Dust, use any mild sunscreen lotion. Otherwise, as a home remedy, you can try applying soaked almobd paste with milk cream will help to remove those adverse effects (if its so),&bring back your original colour.
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Hi! The best way to get your skin glowing is to increase oxygen circulation in your body with the help of exercises, yoga. Taking break between hectic work schedule and splashing your face with cold water 2-3 times a day is helpful. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Have a balanced diet, eat more iron and zinc containing foods like dates, nuts and dry fruits. Include Skimmed milk, cottage cheese, lentils in diet. Vitamin C, Zinc and Vitamin B are important nutrients for great skin. So include lot of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your daily diet. �You need to use a good sunblock properly You can consult on private chat for further help.
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You are just 19 years old. You should use a simple face wash and toner like Tea Tree face wash and toner.
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