I am 62 years old and diabetic since last three years. Though my sugar level is controlled, I am having itching problems in both of my legs between knee and ankle. Skin has become somewhat blackish and at some places whitish. Please advise me the course of remedy for the same.
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The first is nasal symptoms like discharge from nose, itching in nose and eyes and even difficult breathing. And the last is skin symptoms like an itchy rash, Eczema or hives (Urticaria). The common food allergens areegg, shellfish, nuts, wheat and milk. Best natural Homeopathic remedies for allergy from egg.
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Hello! You could be having dryness due to chronic diabetes. You can apply a good emollient like Fisioativ twice a day x to 2 months. Avoid hot water or scrubbing.
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Correct irregular eating sleeping habits then only you see changes avoid curd paneer fermented food day time sleeping after food and late night eating avoid overeating of food and frequent eatings for more details consult privetly.
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