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HELP NEEDED DESPERATELY My boyfriend, 18 years, is suffering since 9 months. These are the symptoms he describes. Different doctors have given different diagnoses such as Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder and borderline Personality Disorder. There is no improvement since all these months. We need help urgently, please tell us what you think doctors. Chronic Tingling sensation, all day fatigue, chronic weakness in legs, mood and thoughts change in minutes, yawning when fatigued, thoughts and images that are not reverent to what I am thinking, blurred vision and flashy lights 24 hours, no sex drive and chronic decrease in libido since last 1 and a half year, intrusive thoughts of hitting some one from my car once they were troubling me for 24 hours now they come n go, feelings of nerves in fingers, anger,extreme irritability, inflated ego always, spinning vision (once) chronic memory loss, strain remembering things, trouble concentrating, sometimes I think I will recover n I am recovering sometimes I think I will not recover ever and other negative thoughts, muscle twitches, pain in fingers or head, headache, weired thoughts like why are we like this with 2 hands 2 legs etc and other disturbing thoughts, brain fog, brain shocks or brain zaps without any withdrawal of a medication, chest tightness, thinking of first time I am seeing night, dreamlike state, spending,little bit of hallucination, I used to feel nervous excitement before all of this has started, not believing the medications and the doctor, constant feeling of getting misdiagnosed. I was diagnose with health anxiety and depression before took 2 medicine none of them work now diagnosed as bipolar disorder. Lazy,less motivation, pain in knee while stepping stairs ,low vitamin d low b 12 was founded but it got resolved, chest tightness, when I was diagnosed with anxiety and when the medicines were not working I made everyone believe that it is something else like bipolar which is more serious now these medicines (bipolar) are also not working n I think I have anxiety and depression which is in its most severe state n causing me these troubling symptoms. All of this started when I was in my hometown suddenly I felt like fainting n after that for some time my vision got dark which was fine the next day in morning that was the period of time when I used to think that I have hit someone from my car n I used to check again n again n used to seek reassurance and this was the time when I used to think of different ideas of business and used to tell my dad about my creative ideas one-two of them were copied. I always had less motivation but I used to do the things I loved very bravely as in driving for long road trips at a very small age I always used to feel that I am not sleepy everyone around used to get tired when I used to keep driving.

2Doctors Answered
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