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After having a some over meal, there is a sudden pain causing at heart region. When I take a deep breath the pain is increasing and making the breathing hard. So please suggest what mainly causes this thing.
2Doctors Answered
92% (4216 ratings)
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acid reflux most likely digene after the meals.bland diet No chillies no fried no alcohol
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91% (410 ratings)
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Hi as your age is just 21 years chances of angina are highly unlikely you have not mentioned your smoking habits alcohol intake you life style sedantry or active you sleep cycle do you have gastritis. Acid disorder, flatulence,gas problem is the pain associated with fore head sweating chest heaviness after heavy food can be angina also or it can be because of ulcers in tomach or gstritis please clearify the above question before I could make a diagnosis for you thanks.
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