Hello sir mam. Was totally a fit person years before but I was infected by tapeworms. Was the most toughest time to deal with. I was having seizure (only left side) and headache at that time. I went to a med specialist he provided me with eption 300 and noworm and was very fine no headache from that time. But got some sideefects such as depression weakness numbness tingling of skin. And lots of negative thoughts and also speech problem but now its not regular as I think I am recovering. But I have long history of OCD problem and negative thoughts some time I want to hurt myself and anger management issues. I just want to clarify is I am okay any special diet not to get infected again by tapeworm .is I am ridd off them now? Some advice of my negativity and ocd nd mental problems. It will be a great help for me coz I want the old version of me with disease and tension free lifestyle. Thank you for your time.
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You should adopt an exercise regime. That will divert your mind from depressive thoughts to positive thinking.
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Apart from tapeworm infection and seizures, get your depression and OCD evaluated by a psychaitrist, if the symptoms are significant and impair with your functioning, then u might require treatment for it too, if mild, CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy), might be enough. All the best
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Dear lybrate-user, You have 2 disorders - one is seizure and headache, due to tape worm. You have dewormed your self with noworm. You are also on eptoin to control fits occurring again. Depending on the type of worm, you should avoid eating pork or beef in future. I am not sure about tingling and numbness. Please get a MRI brain scan to see whether tape worm cysts have disappeared fully. Another is your OCD, which might be before tapeworm itself. OCD causes depression, negative thoughts, weakness, anger, fell like hurting self, etc. OCD also needs treatment. Please go to a psychiatrist and take independent treatment for OCD along with eptoin 300.
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