Hi docs, I feel lost always. And see myself as an another person. And from some days I forget many things that I have done or said to someone, forget the whole topic. And when tries to recollect then I failed .also suffering from depression but doesn't take any medicine. Kindly help me.
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You should go and meet a counselor immediately and if that person advises that you meet with a doctor you need to do so and cooperate with both of them. Your symptoms do not augur well and some help is required. You must take some help for the depression if it is severe.
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YOu may be anxious and depressed, You try to get ind control by meditaion and yoga > or else you need medication.
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Loss of interest, decreased concentration and attention, feeling low and disturbed sleep or appetite are some of the signs of depression. Consult a psychiatrist who will assess you in detail. If you are feeling suicidal or hopeless, seek professional help immediately. Try some relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation and deep breathing. Indulge in hobbies. Spend time with people close to you.
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Depression or severe anxiety can make you forget easily; especially if your mind is restless & not relaxed. Pls consult your local psychiatrist. U may feel better with some medication & relaxation exercises.
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