My wife is a diabetes and she is having medicines to keep her sugar level under control. Of late she is complaining that when she passes urine it is not continuous. She takes 3 to 4 minutes, it is not with force. It stops and she passes it with breaks. Pls advise what is causing this and what remedy she has to take to get this over. Thanking you Salim.
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Hello, Your wife is suffering voiding symptoms- that means she is not able to urinate normally- voiding symptoms usually include hesitancy in initiating flow- the patient takes a couple of minutes to actually start to urinate; she may also complain of intermittency- that is starting and stopping the urine flow; poor stream of urine etc. This could be due to a few reason 1) age related detrusor muscle (muscle of urinary bladder) weakness 2) urethral stricture, urethral wall diverticulitis etc (some obstruction in her urinary pipe), 3) some mass in pelvis 4) consolation etc. So, I would suggest you to consult a good urologist and take his opinion. Hope this helps you. Thank you.
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