I'm using Melacare cream for 2 months so as to whiten my face and it showed good results. So I stopped using it for the last two days and my face got darker as it was in the beginning. So kindly suggest me a good way to stop using the cream without disturbing my current skin tone. Also suggest me good ways to improve skin tone.
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Dear Lybrate user use a sunscreen with spf above 40.
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hello, liberate user, Pimples,acne, black heads,shedding under eyes,oily skin,Tenning ,dryness of skin, & wrinkles cause due to irregular life style,insomnia.junk food,stress,anxiety but taking d natural recourse will ,carry away the tresses making your skin sebum free and soothing. No cream can moisturise nor repair your skin to get your complexion,fairer. * Tk, plenty of water free from contaminants to eliminate toxins &'regulate your metabolism to absorb protein, vitamins,minerals, energy & other important substance, essential to upkeep ,repair & energise the body, hydrating your skin. * Go, for meditation to reduce your stress and to nourish your cells,tissues and whole body to allow your skin to b fresh,non oily & glowing. * Tk your meal easily digestible,non-oily,non-irritant,simple,on time. * Tk,apples,cheese,carrots,papaya,rajama,soyabeen,spinach,almond,walnuts to enjoy wellness . Tk homoe medicines: @ Berb.Aqua Q-10 drops,thrice with little water. * ensure sound sleep at least for 7/8 hrs in d night. * Avoid,junk food,caffiene,dust,scorching sun,fried,spicy intake, cookies,pizza & burger. Your feedback will highly b appreciated for further,follow up . Tk,care
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Melacare contains triple combination of hydroquinon + tretinoin + mometasone. You can use this cream at max for 2-3 weeks but instead you had use it for two months. So after stop using that cream will causes tanning redness and slightly burning sensation. You can use cetaphil dam lotion for 1 week to normalized your skin but foe further treatment you can consultant me in private chat.
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