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Hi. I have had a very troublesome life so far. Went through a divorce, job problems and financial problems, Depression etc. I am working on several things to start my life all over again. I find that I am not able to use my brain to full potential. I am looking for a medicine/ drug which will help me improve my brain function. Make me mentally so powerful and clear which will help me achieve my goals. All my concern is I want to focus and concentrate on things I want to do and not what happened so far. I really need something to turn my brain into a computer. Can you please suggest? Thank you in advance. Wasim.
1Doctor Answered
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By reading your description, it seems you are having significant grief and regret for your past events which stills comes in your mind to affect your present. Indeed, significant past social stressor can make a person depressed but you need to be interviewed and evaluated by a expert psychiatrist before being labelled as depressed and to receive proper treatment. There is no medicine which can erase past painful memories, or make your brain like a computer, although I believe a suitable antidepressant will solve most of the concern which you have mentioned in the above description.
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