My younger brother childrens aged girl 8 years and boy aged 3 years are not eating properly. They eat all outside stuff mainly chocolates and chips. They are not eating the homemade food. Pls suggest some medicine. Thank u.
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Good morning. It is a natural phenomenon with all children that they get attracted to outside food stuffs because of all TV ads and other reasons. It is the hands of parents to pacify their children to eat home food and try to make tasty food according to their willingness. I'm sorry to say that there are no medicines for making children to eat home food and not outside ones. Its in your hands! Thank you, have a nice day.
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Children who are allowed to eat junk food will refuse home made food. This bad habit was encouraged by parents and will have to be corrected by them. Doctors can only guide. Parents are the primary caregiver and have to teach their children good eating habits. There are no medicines for this.
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it's parents who make children to develop this habbit. make home made food more tasty and slight can prepare , modify market food at home.add some protein food like groundnut,or even oats in milk can help.child now can be changed by mothers cooking at home like chapati rolls and spicy daliya of nazar.their. are very many preparation you are preparing at home on festivals,which child will like to eat.
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