Dear ,s How to stop Heartpalpication? If I shout do I get a panic attacks, I am tensed some times I manage, still worries, Do j get any attach like heart attacks and all. I may think much in this! Due to ACidity I feel heart burns and palpitations is that am thinking right / Any other route cause around! Please suggest me the best. Thanks a lot!
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Regular practice of yoga-pranayama and meditation will help you reducing your heart palpitation. Before that you have to rule out any abnormalities with your bp, sugar, cholesterol, thyroid functions, hemoglobin etc. With the help of your general physician.
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Dear Lybrate user palpitations or fast heart beat are not serious or harmful condition. Most of the time they are caused by stress and anxiety, anaemia, low blood pressure thyroid problems etc. Sometimes it may be due to gastric trouble. First of all you should go through some blood tests. Consume nutritional diet, take breakfast and other meals as per schedule, drink water 3-4 a day. Practicing pranayam and yoga and some ayurvedic medicines can also help you. For more query pls consult me privately.
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Hello, Lybrate user, due to irregular lifestyle, acidity has become the daily go of life nowadays producing symptoms that of cardiac disorder, relatively stress ,anxity, cause, acidity & cardiac distress. It needs thorough investigation to differentiate between the two alarming conditions. In both. On dictionary you need to follow the Under noted natural norms. Tk, plenty of water to eliminate toxins, dilute acid in stomach ,regulate metabolism & soften faeces (stool) to b evacuated smoothly to avoid constipation, feeding the heart, too. � ?go for a brisk walk in d morning to restore your blood circulation & to activate peristaltic movement to complete digestion to ease gastric disorder. � ? go for meditation & yoga to nourish your whole body to complete the digestion by stimulating edequate� digestive enzymes and to calm down stress ,being, one of d� main reasons of gastritis & peptic ulcer. � ?� your diet be simple, non- irritant, easily digestible ,on time to avoid, indigestion.� ? Consume, apples, carrots, skimmed milk, papaya,bottle gourds (lauki) ,mung- dal, �� ?Tk Homoeo medicines ,gentle & repaid in administration without any side effect, there of. @ China 200-6 pills. Thrice. @ Carbo veg200-6 pills, thrice. � ? ensure at least 7 hrs of sound sleep in d night. �� ? Avoid, caffeine ,nicotine ,alcohol, junk food, citrus fruits, curds, pizza,bargar ,cookies & watching Tv in late night. > Your feedback matters, please. Tk, care, stay fit & fine.
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Dear Lybrateuser, - Your problem is due to acidity & anxiety - avoid spicy, fried & junk food, also restrict tea/ coffee intake to 1-2 cups/ day - have more of fruits & vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy products, lean meats, nuts in your diet - chew your food well, do not skip meals, have meals on time, have 4-5 small meals rather than three large meals, have dinner 2-3 hrs before bedtime have 7-8 glasses of water per day - do regular exercise like walking, yoga, meditation & deep breathing daily morning - keep yourself busy so that you do not keep thinking of the problem.
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