I'm 21 years old female and just diagnosed with thyroid range 7.6 normal should b between 5.5 what should I do what diet should follow.
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Manasiji, TSH level of 7.6 mU/L suggests you have subclinical hypothyroidism. Usually no drug treatment is given in this situation, unless there are troublesome symptoms of hypothyroidism.Plus if there are menstrual problems then treatment may be essential. As regards diet you will have to take a restricted caloric intake based on your Ideal Body Weight (IBW) which is about 57 kgs. Avoid soy beans, soy containing products, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, radish, mustard, peanuts & coffee. Consume good deal of green leafy vegetables, salads and fruits. Use whole grain flour for chapati and roti. Avoid bakery items, pastries and all items made out of maida. Thanks
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