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Hi Before 4 years after a vasco-vagal EPS episode (an injection architol reacted and gone wrong, my left side paralysed, it got fixed at that time with Tab Pacitane), Now I sometimes get panic attacks and unable to do concentrate without sleep, still my left side is sometimes shivering, legs and hands become numb, have nervousness, sometimes unable to eat food also due to GERD, Unable to bear a extreme hot weather, my breathing is long, I do not feel like taking shower or brushing my teeth. I was not like this before, I hate myself. I have anxiety, has recommended "Tolaz 10 md" I took for 6 months now. I'm tired all day. Test I have done: Brain MRI scan - which was with extreme difficulty because I was unable to bear the sound of the scan machine in my ears and head, EEG, Blood work tablets I have taken: pacitane - which worked that time, now triggers panic attack if I take it. Tolaz 10 md - puts me to sleep, I'm tired all day, taken for 6 months/ have spent most of my savings, now dependent I'am allergic to amoxicillin and sulphur drugs.

3Doctors Answered
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