Taking ocd medicine it is safe in before and during pregnancy yes or no, suppose to how may controlled my ocd in 9 month? Please tell Me how I am controlled my anxiety without drug. And it can confirm suppose I am taking this medicine in pregnancy it causes 100% birth defect to child he can not born normal children? Please tell me!
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Hello Ms. lybrate-user the medications you are taking sertraline, fluoxetine and escitalopram all these medications are relatively safe and studies did not show any significant birth defects. However studies show that if you are taking medication at last trimester of pregnancy (7,8, and 9) month, there's chances of developing persistent pulmonary hypertension (lung disease). So it's advisable to pater down your medications to lowest possible dose at that time. Still it's batter to use minimal amount of medicine during pregnancy. Assess for your risk benefit ratio if you have to continue medications are not and at what does.
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Hi, Thanks for writing in, welcome to the forum. We need to analyze various aspects of this situation. Ideally, it would be great if one were completely free from all medicines during pregnancy. But, OCD itself can also cause considerable difficulties to mother and the foetus. Therefore, adequate control of the OCD is also needed and important. Depending upon the severity, nature of symptoms, duration of illness and previous response to treatment, it may or may not possible to treat the OCD with CBT instead of medicines. If the medicines are needed, we must use less number of medicines as possible and at the least dose that is needed. I notice that you are on Daxid 100, uvox 100 and rexipra 10. If you are taking all three together, some reduction of medicines seems possible and likely, but will need a careful and detailed evaluation. The medicines listed above are not particularly damaging to the fetus but if it is possible to decrease or take some of them away, we must attempt to do that. Take care!
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