Infertile women with PCOD and endometriosis cannot have successful pregnancy even with IVF treatment.
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Conditions like PCOD and endometriosis do not usually allow women to have normal pregnancies. In PCOD the eggs are not released from the ovaries and in case of endometriosis, the egg released passes through the peritoneal toxins released by the endometrium that develops on the lining of the reproductive system. Hence, with IVF the eggs are extracted from the body and implanted into the uterus after they have been fertilised in laboratory conditions. This bypasses the requirement of the egg to be released into the fallopian tube and passing through the toxic endometrium.
After what age does it become difficult to get pregnant with IVF?
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The chance of getting pregnant easily with IVF treatment decreases with increasing age of the woman. Usually, it becomes difficult for women above 37 years of age to get pregnant even with IVF as there may be several other complications related to age. It is not absolutely impossible for the woman to get pregnant at an older age like 50 but the chances are quite slim.
IVF treatment is also beneficial for men who are infertile.
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Men who are unable to produce enough sperms and healthy sperm or have erectile dysfunction can also be candidates for IVF treatment. In such cases, the sperms are first collected, and washed, and then the healthy ones are concentrated in laboratory conditions for transfer into the uterus of the partner. Another method that involves advanced laboratory techniques to bring about fertilization is intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Its benefit is that one particular healthy sperm is injected directly towards the egg to cause fertilisation.
A woman aged 35 or less, receiving IVF treatment will require how many embryos for fertilisation?
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A woman under 35 years of age usually gets pregnant with just one embryo while getting IVF treatment. Such women do not need to undergo too many trials for getting pregnant.
Women devoid of fallopian tubes are good candidates for IVF treatment.
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IVF treatment is truly beneficial for women who have undergone fallopian tube removal or have blocked fallopian tubes. In such cases, it is not possible for the eggs to travel through the fallopian tubes to get fertilised by the sperm and get implanted in the uterus. So, IVF treatment allows fertilisation of the egg with the sperm in laboratory conditions after which the embryo can be established in the uterus and develop into a successful pregnancy.