Crooked Teeth: Treatment, Procedure, Cost and Side Effects
Last Updated: Jan 20, 2025
What is the treatment?
How is the treatment done?
A very common problem that occurs within people is the problem of crooked teeth, where the alignment of the teeth is not correct. Teeth may be badly positioned, overcrowded or there may be presence of gaps between the teeth. All such conditions hamper the looks of people, as well as it doesn’t allow the people to brush or floss efficiently and chew the food properly while eating. Due to improper alignment of teeth, the jaws and gums can be severely injured and therefore it is strongly recommended to correct the alignment of the teeth if they are improper. This problem mainly occurs when the permanent set of teeth start emerging, or approximately from 6 years of age.
This problem can be solved by visiting and orthodontist who can give the patient a number of options to cure this problem. For minor problems like fixing gap within teeth or fixing a single crooked tooth can be solved by using retainers. Usage of porcelain veneers is an option which can cover up the problem of crooked teeth rather than correcting them. The most common method of correcting crooked teeth is the usage of braces. Braces not only correct the crooked teeth but are also efficient to correct overbites, under bites and cross bites.
Critical under bites can be corrected by wearing jaw expanders. sometimes, surgery is performed for extremely critical conditions of crooked tooth
Who is eligible for the treatment? (When is the treatment done?)
Usage of retainers is quite easy and is even inexpensive too. The orthodontist makes a mould of the mouth of the patient with a thick substance known as alginate. The retainer is made from the very same mould and placed within the mouth, which re-positions the tooth that is mildly out of position that is creating slight overcrowding at one particular place inside the mouth.
The usage of porcelain veneers are generally for covering up the problem rather than curing it. The job of a porcelain veneer is to improve the appearance of the crooked or uneven teeth, mostly used in the case of gaps within the teeth or mild overcrowding of the teeth. The doctor removes a part of the enamel, and the veneer is set within the mouth.
A jaw expander increases the size of the upper jaw so that the bottom teeth of the patient do not overlap with the teeth of the upper jaw any longer.
Surgery is the ultimate option of the most critical case of crooked teeth. Surgery is rarely performed to treat crooked teeth, but may be the only affective way out for certain patients. Surgery decreases the length of the lower jaw thus reducing the under bite.
The most effective and user friendly way of correcting crooked teeth is insertion of braces. They are the most common option in this matter that can cure all types of crookedness and the related problems. There are visible braces that are brackets attached to the front of the teeth and connected by metal wires. Brackets can be made out of metal, ceramic or plastic and regarded best for severe problems.
Nearly visible braces are plastic tray-like structures that are fit over the teeth, mainly made out of Invisalign. These braces can be worn as well as taken out of the mouth whenever required. There are invisible braces shaped in the form of brackets that are fit behind the teeth. The brackets are customised to the teeth so that they work faster.
Who is not eligible for the treatment?
The problem of crooked teeth can occur to anyone, mainly if the permanent teeth come out in an uneven manner after the milk teeth start falling. So there is no particular age barrier for taking the treatment of crooked teeth. Any person facing this problem is eligible to undergo such treatment.
Are there any side effects?
People whose teeth are completely aligned do not need to take this treatment. There may be certain people whose teeth are very slightly non-aligned. Even they do not require consulting medical personnel for such a matter. Little care, if taken can solve this problem.
What are the post-treatment guidelines?
There can be certain side effects of using the various treatment methods. The retainer can sometimes cut into the gum. They can even draw a lot of saliva into the mouth causing it difficult to pronounce individual words clearly. It is not recommended for an athletic person to use retainers due to possibility of injuries. Even veneers are not good for the people who are into sports or related activities. Braces are good options for curing crooked teeth, but the nearly visible or completely invisible braces might not work as good as the visible braces, especially in the case of severely crooked teeth. The visible braces are quite effective, but can be very painful at times. Invisible braces are the most difficult to get adjusted with. It can sometimes make it quite hard to speak.
How long does it take to recover?
A person using a retainer has to keep in mind that it is to be taken out while eating and brushing. When not in use, the retainer should be kept in a box properly and away from any heat source. It should be cleaned regularly by mouthwash to avoid any build-up of germs. The porcelain veneers need to be taken care of, especially against grinding of teeth and while biting into hard food like biscuits, nuts and others. People who use braces should avoid certain foods as long as they are wearing them. Hard (chocolate and candies), crunchy (chips) or sticky (caramel, gum) food items are to be avoided, or cut into smaller pieces while eating, which otherwise will damage the braces.
What is the price of the treatment in India?
There is no fixed time period for treatment of crooked teeth. It depends on the severity of the problem that is being faced. While some people take this treatment for a few months, others with severe crooked teeth have to wear either of the external items like retainers or braces for many years, until the orthodontist asks to discontinue the usage of it.
Are the results of the treatment permanent?
What are the alternatives to the treatment?
Crooked teeth can be permanently cured if either of the treatment methods is used efficiently by able orthodontists. The time period if curing may vary from patient to patient, but the result is permanent. A person does not get a crooked tooth again once the tooth is fixed.
- Malocclusion- Merck Manual Consumer Version [internet]. 2018 [Cited 24 July 2019]. Available from:
- Malocclusion of teeth- Medline Plus, Medical Encyclopedia, NIH, U.S. National Library of Medicine [Internet]. 2019 [Cited 24 July 2019]. Available from:
- Orthodontics Align Crooked Teeth and Boost Self- esteem- Know Your Teeth [Internet]. 2012 [Cited 24 July 2019]. Available from:
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