Do's And Don'ts After Embryo Transfer
I am Dr. Lekshmy Rana, Gynaecologist. Today I will tell you about do's and don'ts after an embryo transfer in IVF. So, most of the couple who comes for an IVF treatment usually ask Dr after transfer what to do, what to eat, can I climb stairs, how can I travel, so these are the common questions are asked. The most important thing, you have to stay healthy after the treatment. Take a well-balanced diet. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Drink a lot of water. Water helps in preventing ovarian hypostatization syndrome. How much exercise can you do after the transfer? Walking and swimming are always recommended. These prevent weight gain also. Do your regular activities in the house and the office. No complete bed rest is required after IVF. You have to take the medications as prescribed by your Dr. Because hormone support is given after transfer is very important for success. So take proper medicines at the correct timings. You have to be mentally stress-free. Keep your mind relax. You can do some meditation, yoga or mindfulness techniques. You can take the support of your partner and your family members.
All these things are very important in getting positive results. Avoid eating unhealthy food. That is one thing you have to take precaution. You can lead a normal life. You can get proper success after IVF.
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