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Veterinary Treatment: Treatment, Cost and Side Effects

Last Updated: Jan 20, 2025


The objective of the veterinary treatments is to resolve the medications of the animals. The technological development has led to the availability of various medications for the animals. They are in the form of drugs, surgeries and creams which are applied externally. A health record of the animals is maintained likewise. The drugs of the animals primarily fall into three categories which are biologics, pesticides and pharmaceuticals. The commonly used drugs are anthelmintics to fight infections, dermatological drugs for external application, Central nervous system medications against convulsions and seizures, Respiratory drugs against asthma, antibiotics, painkillers and other such drugs. Vitamins and supplements are prescribed to the animals to prevent diseases and to accelerate recovery. These are accompanied by dietary plans, weight management plans, exercise routine and physical therapy. The dogs and cats are most vulnerable to obesity.


In India, cattle play an eminent role in the farming activities. However, a huge number of cattle die in India because of hunger, infections and disorders. Below are mentioned are some of the most deadly and prevalent diseases in India. These diseases have claimed lives of thousands over the decades. 1. Anthrax – It is a fatal infection of the cattle caused by a bacterium called Bacillus anthracis. Symptoms include convulsions, trembling and high fever. However, in most of the cases, the cattle die within 3 hours of being normal. Treatment, although impossible, involves intake of antibiotics. 2. Foot and Mouth disease – this is the disease of cloven-footed animals. The symptoms include high fever and appearance of blisters all over the body. This disease is especially common among the cattle of India. The blisters are treated by applying antiseptic creams on the blisters. The application of the cream keep away the flies. 3. Bluetongue – The disease is caused by a virus of Cullicoides species. The symptoms of the disease include high temperature, discharges from the body, swelling and wasting of muscles. The disease is treated by the uses of Aloe vera and ingestion of bananas. It is essential for the animals to be segregated from other animals. 4. Bovine mastitis – The disease causes the inflammation of the udder of the animals. This affects the milk productivity in the milk-producing animals. The bacterial infection is reversed by the use of the antibiotics. The disease can be cured only if the disease is in the initial stages. Commonly used drugs for this disease are sulphonamides, penicillin and streptomycin. 5. Hemorrhagic septicaemia – The disease is caused by the bacteria, Pasteurella multocida. The symptoms of the disease include high fever, severe dyspnoea and appearance of bristles on the skin. Vaccines are present which prevent the cattle from developing this disease. In the Initial stages, the cattle also respond to medication. The commonly used drugs which are effective are penicillin and sulphonamides.


If the animals do not respond to medication, surgical intervention is also an alternative. Advanced surgical methods are available presently which help in the termination of the disease. The most common of the surgeries performed on animals are tooth extraction, skin surgeries, ulcer removal, tumour removal and rehabilitation from trauma or abuse. Ophthalmic and orthodontic surgeries are also performed on animals. Surgeries to insert a stent or an artificial valve are also conducted on the animals who have heart-related ailments. Pet emergency care unit is also available at certain locations. These locations take care of the parts if they behave erratically. Some of the unusual behaviours for animals are excessive lethargy, showing, crying, offensive or aggressive behaviour, swelling of any area, yellowish or red tinge to eye and convulsions. If animals exhibit any of these behavioural oddities, then they should be immediately taken to a veterinary doctor.


The animal market is estimated to be one of the fastest growing markets of the present time. This is so because the animals have been developing new diseases. The advancement in farming practices has also created a demand for healthier and sturdier animals of the finest quality. It is essential in such circumstances to promote research and innovation in the area. Research has shown that the use of medicines and supplements has been useful for the health and longevity of the animals. Thus, new forms of medications should be developed with the concerted effort of doctors and biologists. The health of the animals is also a key concern because some of the diseases are also known to spread to the humans. With the medication, the owners should also be educated about the preventive measures. These generally involve hygiene maintenance and vaccination.

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Written ByDrx Hina FirdousPhD (Pharmacology) Pursuing, M.Pharma (Pharmacology), B.Pharma - Certificate in Nutrition and Child CarePharmacology
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Reviewed ByDr. Bhupindera Jaswant SinghMD - Consultant PhysicianGeneral Physician
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