Black line behind teeth just above the gum in both upper and lower jaw. From last few months it growing and now easily visible during speaking or laughing. Brushing twice don't helpful in removing the blackness. What to do? Is there any home remedy or using charcoal helpful for removing that blackness or should I visit the dentist for cleansing. Actually I afraid of cleansing because I heard that cleansing weaken the teeth. Give me the advice what to do for removing that blackness behind my teeth.
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Hi. Cleaning the tooth yearly once will not weaken. Once cleaning is done. The black line will not be there. And then follow brushing twice daily.
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A professional dental scaling and polishing by a dentist will not harm you in any short or long term. Using charcoal will. What you have heard about is very old misconception which was mainly due inexperienced dentists or quakes since decades.
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Get scaling polishing done by a dentist than brush twice daily especially at night avoid coloured foodstuffs.
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That black line is a normal variant, donot do anything regarding it.
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You can get teeth cleaning and polishing g done loy of people get it done. . It's a misnomer ..that it weakens teeth .. it just help's to clean teeth ..
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