Hi, I am 47 years with chronic Major depression that occurred 20 years back n initially started with Flunil for 10 years and later demolox, prothiaden added in between had minor depressive episodes but not as severe as first episode which is very very severe, resulting in complete numbness of brain, excessive sleep n extreme physical fatigue Later changed to Paroxetine 50 mg Lamictal 300 mg .Lamictal helped in bringing my mood to base level which is earlier used to be below base level. All these years not much improvement in my cognitive n executive functions like poor short term memory, slow processing and grasping of brain. Before depressive episode I used to have excellent memory n mentally very sharp and almost topper throughout my academic career. Please suggest any add on medication that improve my memory n executive functions n improve my mood above baselevel.
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Dear lybrate-user, It is nice that you are fighting with depression for 20 years. Please continue Lamictal 300 mg to prevent future episode. In each episode of depression, the input to your brain goes down. Memory has input, retention and output. How will be the output if input itself is less? Now at 46 years your mood is at base level. Hereafter your input will be increased by various neurocognitive rehabilitation therapy. Some of them are available on net. Some psychosocial rehab centres like Richman fellowship society gives them to others or consult a cognitive psychologist privately to cater to your need of executive functions. All the best in continuing to fight against depression.
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