HI, I am 18 years female, I feel like tired after taking food and very weak these days and I unable to talk continuous to any one I feel difficulty in breathing what is the diagnosis?
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Take Sulph 12c 4tims day for 10days Calc carb 6c 3tims day for 10days Lyco 12c 3tims day for 10days Nux v 12c 3tims day for 10days Bell3c liquid 4tims day for 10days U need counselling which wil u give correct perception of transformation ur problem for dat we have to take detail case taking So plz follow below guidelines for u but overall Everything is not for u but overall Everything is not for u Its in general GUIDELINES FOR YOU Just for information
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Need more details to rule out reason for weakness. You can consult me through lybrate for Homoeopathic treatment and further guidance. Meanwhile take Alfa Alfa Q.
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If you feel you are grossly underweight and not gaining weight, first of all you have to check if you have any disease like anaemia or thyroid disease by a blood tests CBC, PBS and TSH. If the tests are normal, you have to do this for gaining weight and follow these steps .1) Estimate your calorie needs for weight gain. First, you need to determine your total energy expenditure (TEE). For thin men, multiply your weight in pounds by 11, and for thin women, multiply your weight in pounds by 10. Then multiply this number by an activity factor. If you get very little activity, use a factor of 1.3; if you get a little exercise or have a job that requires standing, use 1.6 if you're a man and 1.5 if you're a woman; or if you are moderately active, such as with a light labour job, use an activity factor of 1.7 if you're male and 1.6 if you're female. Once you've determined your TEE, add 500 to this number for your total calorie needs for weight gain.
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