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Hello Doctor. I am having a skin burning sensation when I come to a new place from a empty place to a crowded one. Or while waiting somewhere for something my body gets heated nd starts itching from my hip to my shoulders all over my body it is also like a burning sensation from inside my scalp is also effected as it also feels d same sensation. Earlier I consulted a doctor 4 years back but now again its own. The maximum effect is happening in this dry onset of winter and carries on like dis. I get very much irritated because I cannot express whats happening inside my body feels like ants are bitting inside my skin nd spreads. earlier rashes have also appeared mainly the sensation is felt from my hips nd it spreads to my full body. Any good suggestion. Its really terrible I cannot scratch it every time nd my skin turns reddish. It has just started again the skin rash.

1Doctor Answered
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