Hello doctor, I am 30th year old girl, I am hypothyroid patient since 4 years may be due to that m facing depression I think so, gained weight since last year only. I feel weakness irritability anger, my body functioned not good not my daily routine as well. Help me to find out what m going through as m having many condition even skin related issues as well. Can I have becadexamine tablets? It will help me.
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Is ur TSH under control. U seem to be under stress. Try to relax yourself -- Exercise. Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to combat stress. Take a few minutes to breathe in and out in slow, deep breaths. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake. Write It Down. Chew Gum. Spend Time With Friends and Family. Laugh. Massage. Eat a healthy diet. Pursue one hobbyWalk in nature Meditation. Yoga. For more details you can consult me.
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Your depression, weight gain, weakness and anger and skin ailment.These multiple complaints can be effectively treated by homeopathy. No side effects.Please take homeopathic medicine Arsenic album 200-once daily in the evening for 5 days. Consult me through ?Lybrate text consult? for further more comprehensive prescription and treatment.Rs 149/
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Hello, Thanks for the query Madam it is important to know your T3, T4 & TSH levels to understand if hypothyroidism is in control or not. Because all the symptoms stated are linked to how well hypothyroidism is controlled. As regards the tablet mentioned can be taken as it is a multivitamin . Thanks.
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Since you are suffering from depression weight gain and mood fluctuations I feel your tsh is not in control. please check your thyroid tests, cholesterol, hemoglobin, sugar levels, vitamin-d levels. Also make sure you are doing a good exercise daily. Becadexamine is a good bcomplex tablet but may not help you for your symptoms.
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Your weight appears ok. First you have to confirm that thyroid is under control with proper dosage. Other problems may be physical or functional (psychological) eczema a skin disease is chronic but should not cause any above complaints. It is better you consult physician for proper clinical examination, related investigations, detection of any health issue and nutritional status, diagnsosis and appropriate treatment. Becadexamine is a good vitamin supplement.
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