Hi doctor, I am 33 years old female and facing continuous weight problem. I am following proper diet but still my weight is not reducing. I am 5'3 and 75 kg. My weight is increasing 1 kg a month. I have done my thyroid tests and blood test and everything came out normal.
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It would have better if you had mentioned the thyroid test values. Anyway, looking at your weight and height, your bmi is 29.29 kgs/m2, which very close to being grade 1 obesity. Your ideal body weight should be about 60 kgs. I am not aware of what efforts you have exactly done to reduce weight. Following are a few suggestions: 1) all your caloric needs have to be based on 60 kg. 2) since you want to loose weight total calories to be taken per day should be 60 x 20 = 1200 calories only. 3) you have to avoid sweets, deep fried foods, junk foods, sweetened aerated drinks, fructose corn syrup containing products, highly processed products, pastries and other bakery items, red meat and high fat milk products. 4) consume green leafy vegetables and salads as well as fruits. 5) use whole grain products and millets. 6) refrain from alcohol and smoking. Exercise daily at least for 1 hour. It is better if you join a gym and do workouts under the guidance of a professional trainer. Your aim should be to loose 1/2 kg weight per kg. Thanks.
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