My father was detected with localized prostate cancer last year and was followed by a heart attack later. His age is 61 years. He then have to undergo angioplasty with a non-drug eluting stent. Over one year has passed and his Stress test reports are excellent now as per cardiologist. Can he undergo a radical prostatectomy (prostate cancer surgery ) now or it will be risky for him to undergo surgery? Thank you.
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Dear lybrateuser, -before any surgery all the vital parameters of the patient are assessed by the concerned specialists then only the surgeon can go ahead with the surgery -it is good that his test results are normal but there are other test results that will be required & if all are normal he can go for surgery.
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If heart function is good then he is fit for surgery. There is a risk involved
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Hi, I appreciate you seeking help. Well, in my opinion, his consulting cardiologist is the best physician to comment on his fitness levels to undertake a radical prostatectomy. Again, having understood that already a year has passed ever since his onset of prostate cancer, its important to evaluate the progression of the disease (cancer) precisely, and see if a radical prostatectomy now will bring any tangible benefits. I believe, his oncologist can best decide here. Please be advised that an integrative treatment with natural / alternative medicines can improve clinical outcomes. Hope this clarifies. Do take care and all the very best.
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Well one thing needs to be ruled out after one year gap is metastasis. So needs to undergo cect and bone scan if he is operable and pac fit then he can undergo the procedure otherwise hormonal/chemotherapy and performance status of patient is important it is slow growing tumour, if performance status is not good then hormonal therapy is advisable.
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