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I am 21 year old. Few months back I found a lump on my right breast near my armpit. No pain in it. Other than than there are no symptoms as such. I have no cancer history in my family .and I have also been suffering from irregular menstrual problems.
2Doctors Answered
92% (46 ratings)
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Hi. At your age, breast cancer is an unlikely diagnosis. Still if lump is persistent thn better to get it examined by experts.
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Any lump in the breast or armpit is significant. It is better to see a Breast Surgeon or a surgical oncologist for the same. They would examine you and may ask for an ultrasound of the breast, with or without an FNAC or a core biopsy. Lump in arm pit could be due to Axillary fat, lipoma, accessory breast or a node, which may be due to infection or cancer. Lump in breast could be due to benign or cancerous. If you want to discuss in details, feel free to contact me directly.
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