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I was suffering from breathing issues. Directed to approach psychiatrist. He categorised me as anxiety and prescribed rivotril 0.5 mg I took it for two years. It gave me addiction, two times panic attach, mouth breathing, bloated stomach and constipation. After two years the psychiatrist asked me to go in for relaxation therapy and to stop rivotril 0.5 mg by way of tapering. I am in tapering mode. I suffer from mouth breathing, bloated stomach and constipation. Please give proper advise as what to do coping with withdrawal of rivotril and easing the withdrawal symptoms.
1Doctor Answered
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Rivotril is a unique 'Cross Scored' tablet, so it can be broken into 4 small pieces. You can start by taking 3/4th tablet daily instead of full tablet & just keep on reducing the pieces further & further till you can stop it altogether. Also, Please ask your Psychiatrist whether you are a candidate for medicines like Escitalopram &/or Buspirone.
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